Welcome to Justin Homes – If you have any real estate needs, such as buying, selling, investing, building, or renovating, you have come to the right place. Justin is a registered Tarion Home/Condo builder and licensed REALTOR®.
The average real estate agent buys, sells, and makes investments with money from their clients’ pockets. Just remember, most agents lack the experience of using their own money for real estate investments. When they work for a client, most agents just look at the history of how much other, nearby houses were sold for, but there are so many other factors that need to be considered. But Justin, as a real estate developer and investor, is different from the average agent because he has made many investments and transactions using his own money. In other words, he is more cautious because he understands the risks of investments. He always applies the same methods that he uses for his own investments, with his clients.
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